Title: Advancing ADCIRC U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Grids and Capabilities to Facilitate Coupling to the National Water Model in the Extratropical Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS) Operational Forecasting (Westerink FY18)
The primary objective of this project is to improve predictions of water levels caused by extratropical tide and storm surge within the the Global Extratropical Storm and Tide Operational Forecast System (Global ESTOFS), by developing improved meshes and directly incorporating baroclinic and hydrologic physics. Characteristics of the improved Global ESTOFS model include increasing the mesh resolution along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico for greater water hazard specificity within coastal areas, two-way coupling of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) finite element model and WAVEWATCH III model to improve water levels, currents, and nearshore waves, as well as coupling to the National Water Model to account for upland hydrology and stream flows into the coastal zone. This model provides NWS forecasters with the forecast guidance of water level conditions caused by storm surges and tides for the entire globe.