Weather Program Office Annual Accomplishments FY23

Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) was a year of phenomenal change and development while WPO remained committed our mission of fostering research to improve weather forecasts, save lives, and reduce property damage. The report explains organizational changes, new endeavors, and progress towards our strategic goals.

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Highlights from the Report

Fiscal Year 2023 was a year of significant growth, change, and accomplishment at the Weather Program Office. From changes in leadership to a complete program restructuring and a staff expansion, WPO rose to the challenge of new growth and development in its mission to improve weather forecasts, save lives, and reduce property damage. We are ever-proud of the collaborative, innovative and driven individuals who are committed to accomplishing our goals in support of NOAA’s mission.

Annual Accomplishments by the Numbers

170M In Funding Across Four Portfolios
45% of Projects with a Transition Plan, Exceeding FY23 Performance Targets
~200 Conferences, Workshops and Meetings Attended by WPO Staff to Foster Engagement
140k Pageviews on the new WPO Website
54 Peer Reviewed Publications, Surpassing WPO's Performance Targets

Previous Reports

Annual Accomplishments Report FY21
Click on the image to download the PDF report
Annual Accomplishments Report FY20
Click on the image to download the PDF report
Annual Accomplishments Report FY19
Click on the image to download the PDF report
Annual Accomplishments Report FY18