WPO’s Climate Testbed partnership with the National Center for Environmental Prediction supports research to improve the operational products at the Climate Prediction Center. We accomplish this by supporting research projects in the collaborative Climate Testbed, which are intended to demonstrate the potential for scientific advances from the external research community to improve operational climate predictions and to enhance the public benefits derived from these research activities.
This fiscal year, Climate Testbed proposals focused the external community on activities to advance NOAA’s S2S capabilities via improved precipitation outlooks, as well as improvements to data assimilation (DA) systems that support short-range climate monitoring and prediction.
The FY24 award total for the three selected projects equals $1.49 million. Projects will be funded for two years through July 2026. Award totals are distributed over the life of the projects and conditional on appropriations.
Project Title | PI’s & Co-PI’s | Affiliations |
Advancing S2s Precipitation Outlooks through the Weather Regime-Gaussian Mixture Model Framework | Wei Zhang (PI), Cory Baggett | Utah State University, NOAA/NWS/Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
Improving Global Ocean Reanalysis (Glore) to Advance Cpc Ocean Monitoring and Sea Ice Outlook | Bohua Huang (PI), Jieshun Zhu, Wanqiu Wang | George Mason University, NOAA/NWS/Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
Improving Week 3-4 Precipitation Forecasts by Leveraging Forecasts-Of-Opportunity Identified via Explainable Machine Learning | Marybeth Arcodia (PI), Elizabeth Barnes, Dan Collins, Emerson LaJoie | Colorado State University, NOAA/NWS/Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |