The Office of Weather and Air quality extended deadlines for their Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOAA-OAR-OWAQ-2019-2005820) for FY 2019. There are eight grant competitions from this notification valued at approximately $16,200,000. These eight competitions in this notification of funding opportunity reflect multiple science objectives spanning time scales from the very short-term (hours) to seasonal and from weather and water observations and modeling to social and behavioral science. It is focused on improving NOAA’s understanding and ultimately its weather and water forecasting services through engagement with the external scientific community on key science gaps of mutual interest through funded grant opportunities.
Eligible applicants are U.S. institutions of higher education; other nonprofits; commercial organizations; state, local and Indian tribal governments; and U.S. Federal Government agencies except in the VORTEX-SE, JTTI, and S2S competitions in which case U.S. Federal Government employees are ineligible. In those three competitions, U.S. Federal Government employees may serve as unfunded co-Is on applications where substantial federal involvement is proposed.
All applicants should read the funding opportunity for additional information on eligibility, descriptions and contact information.
Learn more about the funding process >