WPO’s Research Transitions team is now the Portfolio Analysis and Research Transitions (PART) Program as it takes a more integrated approach to transitioning research into practice.
PART’s primary role in the office involves active coordination across programs within WPO, such as identifying where research in one area connects with another. “This broader view will enhance the impact of the research we support and identify future research priorities,” says Isha Renta, PART Program Manager.
The team will also foster external relationships early on; every project is different, and transition processes will reflect that. This will allow PART to guide program managers and researchers toward transitions that are intentional and purposeful, streamlining the process so completed research is most effective.
PART will remain involved even after research moves into operations or applications, providing insights that drive decision-making through analyses of WPO’s research and development portfolio and promoting open science to ensure WPO-funded research is accessible and beneficial to both practitioners and the public.
Learn more about the PART Program here.