John Ten Hoeve, WPO
John Ten Hoeve

John Ten Hoeve

Acting Director, Weather Program Office

John Ten Hoeve, PhD is the Deputy Director of the NOAA Weather Program Office (WPO).  Prior to WPO, John served as the Deputy Director of the Office of Organizational Excellence at NOAA’s National Weather Service.  In that role, John led the development of the National Weather Service’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, fostered partnerships with the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise, and enabled NWS to become a more agile and effective organization by improving organizational processes and culture.  John helped design and establish the first organizational health and culture program at the NWS, which has influenced nearly all offices across the agency, and also served as the NWS line office representative to NOAA’s Regional Collaboration Network.


While at the NWS, John was a key member of several efforts to evolve the NWS, including the reorganization of NWS Headquarters and the NWS Operations and Workforce Analysis, which developed recommendations for the future organizational structure and operating model of the NWS.  John was also a lead author of a new NWS Governance in 2015 that re-designed the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authorities of offices and councils at the NWS.  In addition, John co-authored a foundational 2019 journal article with NWS Director Louis Uccellini on evolving the NWS from a production-centric organization to a customer-centric organization.

John joined the Federal Government in 2012 as a Presidential Management Fellow.   Prior to working at the NWS, John served as a NOAA Program Examiner in the Office of Management and Budget and as a data scientist in the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program Office in the National Ocean Service.  John holds a BS. in Meteorology from Penn State and a MS. and PhD from Stanford University in Civil and Environmental Engineering.  John has also authored over a dozen peer reviewed publications on topics ranging from aerosol-cloud-climate interactions to renewable and nuclear energy.