WPO is proud to share that members of our team have received 2024 OAR Awards. Steve Thur, Assistant Administrator of the NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), recognized the award recipients during a ceremony on December 18.

Employee of the Year Award for Stakeholder Engagement
Jennifer Vogt
For pivotal execution of the third Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop, launching the Unified Forecast System Student Ambassador Program, and mentoring undergraduate students through the Lapenta Internship Program.
“Jennifer’s dedication has enriched our community outreach and enhanced our ability to engage new voices in NOAA’s mission,” says John Ten Hoeve, WPO Acting Director. Jennifer was instrumental in organizing the 2024 Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop (UIFCW) at Jackson State University, the first time the event was hosted at an HBCU.

Employee of the Year Award for Leadership
Alison Krepp (while at National Sea Grant Office)
For providing agency-wide service in developing critical guidance and leading a robust pilot for the eRA transition.
eRA Commons is a web-based system for applicants and institutions to participate in the electronic grant administration process, and replaced the previous system in late 2023. Ten Hoeve adds “Alison’s knowledge and experience with eRA has clearly benefited WPO and OAR more broadly.”

Team Members of the Year Award for Stakeholder Engagement
EPIC team—all recipients support WPO
Farida Adimi (STC), Charlene Barone (Raytheon), Keven Blackman (Raytheon), Cameron Book (STC), Kristopher Booker (Tomorrow.io), D. Alex Burrows (Redline), Sylvia Chin (Raytheon), Anthony Craig (STC), Maryia Davis (Raytheon), Jef Dodson (Raytheon), Christopher Domanti (Raytheon), Stylianos Flampouris (Tomorrow.io), Lauren Frederick (Element 84), Fredrick Gabelmann (Element 84), Laura Generosa (Raytheon), Aaron Jones (Raytheon), Jong Kim (STC), Anna Kimball (Raytheon), Bruce Kropp (I2X), Michael Lueken (Tomorrow.io), Fernando Andrade Maldonado (Raytheon), Natalie Perlin (Redline), Gillian Petro (STC), Mark Potts (Redline), Zach Shrader (Raytheon), Edward Snyder (Raytheon), Ratko Vasic (I2X), Brian Weir (Raytheon), Jessica Wheeler (I2X)
For establishing the foundation of the virtual Earth Prediction Innovation Center, a highly visible, Congressionally mandated virtual center that engages the external community to partner with NOAA and improve the Nation’s weather forecast system.
“The dedication and collaboration shown by the EPIC Team have truly set a new benchmark in community engagement and innovation,” says Ten Hoeve. “Their work demonstrates how we can collectively drive progress that enhances our forecasting systems and builds a more inclusive research environment.”