The process by which observational data is brought into models is called data assimilation (DA). The Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) is the next generation, unified DA framework under collaborative development between NOAA and cross-agency partners through the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA).
JEDI will allow for a faster development and research-to-operations (R2O) of advanced data assimilation and related components to meet the requirements of NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS). In June 2021, JCSDA made the second, public open-source release of JEDI, which featured updates to the Interface for Observational Data Assimilation. This release markedly improves JEDI’s performance, allowing for efficient storage of and access to the rapidly growing volume of data as well as accommodating various file formats that JEDI receives from observation data providers.
Extensive work is also being conducted on DA related to the ocean, sea ice, land and hydrology, atmospheric composition and air quality, and everything from short range weather to coupled applications for subseasonal and seasonal prediction. JEDI is well positioned to be the next generation DA system for the UFS.