NOAA’s Weather Program Office (WPO) is delighted to present our Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Annual Accomplishments Report. The report showcases how much we did last year to support world-class weather research and to transition new science into products and services that save lives, reduce property damage, and enhance the national economy. WPO staff came together to produce a document celebrating the accomplishments of an energetic workforce that served NOAA’s mission.
The FY20 report introduces WPO’s enthusiastic staff and the new WPO Director, Dr. Dorothy Koch. An executive summary provides an overview of our vision, mission, goals, and approach, and describes how WPO supported research that helps society deal with the consequences of major environmental disasters that cost our Nation nearly $2 trillion in the 1980-2020 period. Detailed research accomplishments are reported by WPO research focus areas, including tropical cyclones, air quality, severe weather, artificial intelligence, seasonal forecasting, water, and social science.
A new feature of the report is a series of fun facts that connect our programs and accomplishments to real-world examples, helping readers understand what we do and why it matters. Here’s one of WPO’s fun facts:
“Did you Know? WPO’s Social Science program (SSP) is breaking new ground at NOAA? The SSP is leading NOAA’s efforts in determining the valuation of its research outputs, and how to successfully transfer knowledge to NWS operations. Nicely done, SSP!”
The FY20 report celebrates the establishment of successful collaborative partnerships between NOAA and the community. Through these collaborations, the number of active Research & Development (R&D) projects continued to climb, increasing from 184 in FY19 to 193 in FY20. Their outcomes are helping to advance NOAA’s environmental prediction systems and their ability to provide timely and accurate forecasts, warnings, and decision-making capabilities for the benefit of society.
Join us in celebrating a great year of accomplishments!