VORTEX radar image

The Finish Line: JTTI Runs NOAA Internal Competition to Transition Matured Research into NWS Operations

The lack of continued support for projects that are near completion creates a backlog of usable resources that cannot be fully incorporated into operations. The NWS Office of Science and Technology indicated that this backlog impedes the growth and progress of NWS operations which reduces the benefit of forecast improvements for the public. WPO chose to work towards resolving this issue by holding a NOAA internal funding competition.

The TORUS project, or Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells, aims at understanding the relationships between severe thunderstorms and tornado formation. CREDIT: NSSL NOAA

Joint Technology Transfer Initiative Awards

The Joint Technology Transfer Initiative (JTTI), works closely with the National Weather Service to accelerate the transition of matured weather research to NWS operations to improve forecasting for the benefit of the American public. This year’s competition focused on improving model development in collaboration with the UFS community to improve forecasts, finding innovative methodologies to…