UFS Insights Issue #5 released

The fifth issue of UFS Insights, a collaborative effort between NOAA’s Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) community, is available to read here. In this issue, you’ll find an in-depth look at the UFS, including updates on key components, innovators, partnerships, and initiatives shaping the future of weather, water, and…

Floodwater from a river inundates neighborhoods in Minot, North Dakota.

Biden-Harris Administration, NOAA fund over $22M to advance research of water-related climate impacts

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provided NOAA $492 million over five years to improve coastal and inland flood and inundation mapping and forecasting capabilities, advance next-generation water modeling activities, and to modernize precipitation frequency atlases for the U.S., including probable maximum precipitation. Funding was also provided to build out subseasonal to annual Integrated Water Capabilities…

New Storymap- The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System on the Cloud

The Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP) supports NOAA’s hurricane forecast and warning capabilities through partnerships with the Environmental Modeling Center, National Hurricane Center, and the Hurricane Research Division. The recently observed increase in the number of hurricanes and tropical storms in the North Atlantic (the most recent season with below normal activity was 2015) highlights…

WPO Releases FY23 Annual Accomplishments Report

After a short hiatus, WPO is back with a brand new addition of our annual accomplishments report. This report, released May 16, covers the great things that WPO achieved in 2023.The report explains organizational changes, new endeavors, and progress towards our strategic goals. Highlights include the release of our DEIJA Strategic plan, a look back at our first-ever program review, and notable achievements of our Programs and our staff. We hope you will enjoy reading about WPO’s successful 2023.