To advance NOAA’s social science data needs, WPO’s Social Science Program partnered with the National Hazard Center—with support from the National Science Foundation, and in collaboration with the National Weather Service and National Severe Storms Laboratory— to develop the Weather Ready Quick Response Research Initiative to support social science event-based data collection and publication. This initiative supports quick response research to increase understanding of how members of diverse publics receive, interpret, and respond to high-impact weather warnings and forecasts and how to best communicate weather events to various stakeholders. These calls also encourage the publication of social science and multidisciplinary data, data collection instruments, and research protocols for natural hazards and disaster research. Since 2020, when this initiative started, 25 projects have been funded and 16 social science instruments or protocols and 17 social science datasets have been published in Design-Safe CI. These publicly accessible instruments and datasets cover a variety of weather phenomena and social science topics, include various partners and publics, as well as incorporate an array of different geographies. Using these data (and future data published through this partnership), NOAA will be able to better measure mission critical factors, such as performance metrics, societal impact, and change. For more information on this initiative, check out this webinar.
Project Contacts:
POC name: Gina Eosco POC email:
PI Name: Lori Peek PI Email:
Additional Links:
URL for press release or other links:
Call #1 Reports:
Instrument and Data Publications:
Call #3 (Currently Accepting Proposals): Tornado-Ready Quick Response Research:
Call #4 (Currently Accepting Proposals): Wildfire Ready Quick Response Research and Data Publication: