Data Assimilation Consortium Manager

Jan Ising is a Data Assimilation Consortium Manager supporting data assimilation projects in WPO’s Earth System Research and Modeling division.

Renee Richardson

Observations Program Manager

Renee Richardson Renee Richardson Observations Program Manager Renee Richardson supports the Weather Program Office (WPO) as the Deputy Program Manager for the Observations Program. Before joining WPO as a full time employee, Renee was a 2021 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, where she served as the Weather Observations Fellow for WPO. During this year-long…

Aaron Pratt

JTTI Deputy Program Manager

Aaron Pratt is supporting the Weather Program Office (WPO) as the Joint Technology Transfer Initiative (JTTI) Deputy Program Manager.

Acquisitions Manager

Karen Williams is the Acquisitions Manager for the Weather Program Office (WPO).

Grants Manager

Anthony is the Grants Manager for the Weather Program Office (WPO).

IT Project Manager

Adam Tasca serves as the WPO IT Project Manager focused on the Societal Data Insights Initiative (SDII), consisting of the development of a social science data infrastructure to enhance NOAA’s capabilities to integrate and synthesize social and meteorological data and provide user insights to evaluate societal impacts of NOAA’s products and services.

Synoptic Program Manager

Lingyan is the Synoptic Program Manager for the Fire Weather Competition at the Weather Program Office (WPO).

Division Chief - Science, Technology, and Society

Gina Eosco Dr. Gina Eosco Director, Weather Program OfficeDivision Chief – Science, Technology, and Society Gina Eosco is the Director of the NOAA Weather Program Office (WPO). She also serves the Science, Technology, and Society Division Chief where her focus is on prioritizing social and behavioral science (SBS) research needs within the weather community, determining…

Carmen Davila

Division Chief - Management & Administration

Carmen Davila Carmen Davila Division Chief – Management & Administration Vidaluz Carmen Davila is the Division Chief for the Weather Program Office (WPO) Management & Administration Division. She leads a team that manages, secures, and expends resources and services needed to efficiently and effectively run WPO. She directs and manages budget formulation and execution, and…

Steven Pawson

Chief, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. Steven Pawson Dr. Steven Pawson Program Review Panelist Dr. Steven Pawson is Chief of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  In this capacity, he is responsible for guiding the development and use of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Earth System modeling and data assimilation system.  Dr.…