Woman with umbrella crossing the street

There’s a Chance of What? Assessing Numeracy Skills of Forecasters, Partners, and Publics

This project examined how end -users, such as forecasters, emergency managers, and the American public interpret and comprehend probabilistic tropical cyclone information. Using a concept known as numeracy, or one’s ability to use and understand numerical information, this study, in combination with past research, suggests that probability information helps people make decisions in the face…

Phased Array Radar Inside Dome.

Phased Array Radar

Over the past 20 years NOAA/OAR, industry, and academia have made significant advancements on Phased Array Radar (PAR) research, development, and technology for weather surveillance and other applications. Because of these advancements, PAR is a leading contender in the solution for replacing the legacy NEXRAD system.

American Geophysical Union Headquarters

WPO @ AGU (Virtually & In-person)

Town Hall Title: The Weather Enterprise: Transitioning Weather Research Into Operations to Save Lives, Reduce Property Damage, and Enhance the National Economy Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Time: 18:15 – 19:15 CST The NOAA Weather Program Office (WPO) will provide an overview of the office, our coordination with internal NOAA line offices and external partners (including the broadcast…

man looking at his phone while sitting outside

Wait, that forecast changed?

This project explored how various publics consume and process changing tropical cyclone information and forecasts over time. Most research to date has focused on obtaining social science data from people 2–4 weeks after a tropical cyclone has impacted an area. This study is unique and novel in that it created a social science methodology similar…

FY2020 Annual Accomplishments Report Released

NOAA’s Weather Program Office (WPO) is delighted to present our Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Annual Accomplishments Report.  The report showcases how much we did last year to support world-class weather research and to transition new science into products and services that save lives, reduce property damage, and enhance the national economy. WPO staff came together…

NOAA's Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) was created to accelerate community-developed scientific and technological enhancements into the operational applications for numerical weather prediction.

Raytheon Intelligence and Space to lead new center dedicated to advancing U.S. weather forecasting

Originally published at NOAA.Gov on April 26th, 2021. NOAA today announced that Raytheon Intelligence and Space has been chosen to design and develop the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC), an extramural center that will unite academia, industry and government to help create the most user-friendly and user-accessible comprehensive Earth modeling system. Raytheon Intelligence and Space a division of Raytheon Company, brings to EPIC proven expertise in scientific leadership, software engineering,…


Presentations at AMS 2021

NOAA’s Weather Program Office is excited to have participated in the American Meteorological Society’s 101st Annual Meeting that took place from January 10 to 15, 2021.  Members of our staff were in attendance in various capacities including panelist and presenter. To view the details for our AMS presentations, click on the PDFs below. AMS Presentation Details > Additional Presentations…

Congratulations Dr. Gina Eosco

Congratulations to WPO’s Social Scientist, Dr. Gina Eosco, on receiving the NOAA Research [OAR] Daniel L. Albritton Outstanding Science Communicator Award [2020]. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in communicating the meaning and value of NOAA-related science and research to non-scientific audiences. The award is named in honor of Dr. Daniel L. Albritton, a retired OAR…